Problem Statement: Given the inorder and preorder traversals of a binary tree t
, but not t
itself, restore t
and return it.
We can start by taking the first element of preorder array and set it as root, and then we can recursively make its left and right child.
// Binary trees are already defined with this interface:
// class Tree<T> {
// Tree(T x) {
// value = x;
// }
// T value;
// Tree<T> left;
// Tree<T> right;
// }
int preOrderIndex;
HashMap<Integer, Integer> hmap;
Tree<Integer> solution(int[] inorder, int[] preorder) {
hmap = new HashMap<>();
for(int i=0; i<inorder.length; i++) {
preOrderIndex = 0;
return buildTree(preorder, inorder, 0, inorder.length-1);
Tree<Integer> buildTree(int[] preorder, int[] inorder, int left, int right) {
if(left>right || preOrderIndex>=preorder.length)
return null;
int val = preorder[preOrderIndex];
Tree root = new Tree(val);
root.left = buildTree(preorder, inorder, left, hmap.get(val)-1);
root.right = buildTree(preorder, inorder, hmap.get(val)+1, right);
return root;
Note: For inorder and (pre/postorder) traversals - the idea is same, we will get the root element from preorder or postorder array and keep dividing the inorder array based on this.