Problem: You have an unsorted array arr
of non-negative integers and a number s
. Find the longest contiguous subarray in arr
that has a sum equal to s
. Return two integers that represent its inclusive bounds. If there are several possible answers, return the one with the smallest left bound. If there are no answers, return [-1]
Your answer should be 1-based, meaning that the first position of the array is 1
instead of 0
Solution: This is a two-pointer approach problem, read out the comments in the code to get a better understanding.
int[] solution(int s, int[] arr) {
int ans[] = {-1};
int begin = 0;
int end = 0;
// to hold the current sum of the array
int sum = 0;
// to hold the max length of array so far
int length = 0;
while(end < arr.length) {
// keep adding new elements to sum array
sum = sum + arr[end];
// until it becomes greater than the given sum then keep reducing from the start
while(begin < end && sum > s) {
sum = sum - arr[begin];
// if at any point we have gotten the desired sum, and the current array length is greater than the given length,
if (sum == s && (end - begin + 1 > length)) {
ans = new int[]{begin + 1, end + 1};
// update the length
length = end -begin+1;
return ans;
Time complexity - O(n) - as we are only traversing the array once.